Medication overuse headache occurs when the underlying headache disorder becomes worse because of the frequency of pain medication taken for the headache. Medication overuse headache, or MOH, occurs most frequently in migraine and posttraumatic headache. This problem has recently received attention in the news, triggered by the release of new guidelines for the treatment of headache in the UK by The National Institute for Clinical Excellence.


Learn more about medication overuse headache at these links:

Painkillers ‘are the cause’ of millions of headaches

Painkillers ’cause’ of millions of headaches (video)

Painkillers “can cause’ headaches

Diagnosing Medication Overuse Headache

Resource for Medication Overuse Headache


Another concern recently reported regarding the regular use of pain relief medications is discussed here:

Popular Pain Relievers Linked to Hearing Loss


Whether you are concerned about medication overuse headache, hearing loss, or any other consequence of frequent use of pain medications, reducing their use becomes important. The best way to do this is to prevent headaches such as by controlling migraine triggers, or by using a preventive medication.