Causes of Headache


Types and Causes of Headaches

Headache is divided into two basic types:  primary and secondary.

Secondary headaches are those that are due to some underlying cause, like a sinus or brain injection, head or neck injury, or a brain tumor.  Most headaches that occur are not due to any kind of secondary cause, and are what we call primary headaches.  Less than 5% of all headaches are secondary headaches.  Although infrequent, there are over a hundred types of secondary headache, which is why there are expert headache doctors.

Primary headaches are those that do not have any sort of underlying cause.  The most commonly occurring primary headache is tension-type headache.  Migraine, also a primary headache, affects about 6% of men in the population, and 18-20% of women, depending on what country you live in.  Cluster headache, a primary headache in the group of headaches known as the trigeminal autonomic cephalgias, is far less common.  So what causes migraine?  In most cases, they are thought to be genetic.  Triggers set off a migraine attack, but are not the cause of the underlying migraine disorder.  The biochemical and physiologic basis of migraine is called pathophysiology, and is quite complex.  We are still figuring out all the things that occur in the brain when a migraine happens. 

by Christina Peterson, M.D.

updated Feb 8, 2020

Is Visual Snow a Migraine Aura?

What is Visual Snow?

Visual snow looks like falling snow, static on a TV, or tiny dots in all or part of the visual field.  It can be considered to be a form of visual hallucination, and can also present as a migraine phenomenon.  The technical term for this is Positive Persistent Visual Disturbance.  Persisting visual snow in a migraineurs is also called persistent aura without infarction.

Visual snow can also be a manifestation of Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder, following the use of hallucinogen drugs (LSD, ecstasy, psychedelic mushrooms, and others).  In HPPD, other visual distortions are frequent, including starbursts, afterimages, palinopsia (trails on moving objects), and others.

In a prospective study of 120 patients with persistent visual snow, substance abuse was present in 40%.  This study found that in addition to visual snow, many patients also experienced floaters (73%), persistent after-images (63%), photophobia (54%), flashes (44%), moving objects leaving trails (palinopsia – 48%), difficulty seeing at night (58%), “little cells that travel on a wiggly path” (57%), and “swirls with eyes closed” (41%).

A more recent study has found that on PET studies, subjects with visual snow had evidence of a brain dysfunction (a hypermetabolic lingual gyrus) that is different from what is found in migraine.  Of 120 patients with “visual snow”, 70 patients also had migraine and 37 had typical migraine aura.  The migraineurs with visual snow were more likely to experience palinopsia (trailing objects or afterimages) as well.

For the migrainous form of persisting visual snow, acetazolamide has been propsed, as well as valproate, topiramate, and lamotrigine.  Visual snow related to HPPD has been managed with pharmaceutical as well as non-pharmaceutical strategies.


1.Chen WT, Fuh JL, Lu SR, Wang SJ. Persistent migrainous visual phenomena might be responsive to lamotrigine. Headache 2001; 41: 823-825.

2. Haan J, Sluis P, Sluis LH, Ferrari MD. Acetazolamide treatment for migraine aura status. Neurology 2000; 55: 1588-1589.

3. Haas DC. Prolonged migraine aura status. Ann Neurol 1982; 11: 197-199.

4. Jäger HR, Giffin NJ, Goadsby PJ. Diffusion- and perfusion-weighted MR imaging in persistent migrainous visual disturbances. Cephalalgia 2005; 25: 323-332.

5.  Rothrock JF. Successful treatment of persistent migraine aura with divalproex sodium. Neurology 1997; 48: 261-262.

6. Rozen TD. Treatment of a prolonged migrainous aura with intravenous furosemide. Neurology 2000; 55: 732-733.

7. Schankin C, et al “Visual snow: a new disease entity distinct from migraine aura” AAN 2012; Abstract S36.006.

8. Schankin, C. J., Maniyar, F. H., Sprenger, T., Chou, D. E., Eller, M. and Goadsby, P. J. (2014), The Relation Between Migraine, Typical Migraine Aura and “Visual Snow”. Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 54: 957–966.

Post updated 6/17/19

Serotonin Syndrome Basics

Causes of Serotonin Syndrome

Serotonin syndrome is something that becomes newsworthy amongst headache patients from time to time, and has been raised to as recent level of concern because of an FDA alert issued in 2007 regarding the possibility of this problem occurring from mixing antidepressant medications and triptan migraine medications.  Should you worry?  This has actually become somewhat controversial.

So, What is Serotonin Syndrome?

Serotonin syndrome is a very serious drug reaction that can occur from medications that stimulate the neurotransmitter serotonin.  This usually occurs when you take more than one medication that stimulates the serotonin system, but it has also been reported from high doses of anti-depressants in the category called SSRO antidepressants.  Serotonin syndrome has been most commonly reported in overdose situations, and is rare in headache sufferersunless, of course, you are also being treated for depression.

Serotonin syndrome symptoms are:

  • altered mental status
  • fever, rapid heart rate
  • tremor
  • shivering
  • insomnia
  • sweating
  • agitation
  • low or high blood pressure
  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • neuromuscular problems.

These serotonin syndrome symptoms come on within 24 hours of taking the offending medication, or a change in dosage. The symptoms that define a serious serotonin syndrome are altered mental status, fever, and involuntary neuromuscular movements called clonus.

Are You in Danger of Serotonin Syndrome?

Most likely not.  The doses of tricyclic antidepressants used for the prevention of migraine are usually low doses.  Oral triptan medications, taken alone, have not been found to be associated with serotonin syndrome.  A recent study evaluated over 1700 patients who received sumatriptan injection in addition to an SSRI antidepressant, and there were no cases of serotonin syndrome.

The reason the entire matter has become controversial is this:  there are many types of serotonin (or 5HT) receptors, and not all medications plug into the same kinds of receptors.  The triptan medications bind to the 5HT1B and 5HT1D receptors, and serotonin syndrome is believed to be caused by the 5HT1A and 5HT2A receptors.

The rate of serotonin syndrome occurring in those treated with the SSRI antidepressants has been calculated at 0.5 to 0.9 cases per 1000 patient-months of treatment.  However, there have been no cases of serotonin syndrome reported from triptans alone.  The FDA issued the alert so that physicians would be extra aware of the possibility that these combinations could cause a problem, and to be on the watch for the symptoms.

If you are taking an antidepressant and a triptan, it is unlikely that you are at significant risk unless your dose is high or has been changed.  Remember that it is when you have had a dosage increase that you are at the most risk, and it is usually the addition of a third medication that is the problem, such as an anti-nausea medication. an antibiotic, a second anti-depressant, or an opioid analgesic like fentanyl or Demerol (pethidine).

If you are concerned that you have symptoms that might represent serotonin syndrome, call your doctor or go directly to the emergency room.  Be sure to drink lots of water, as this can help.  If nothing has changed in your medication regimen, and your symptoms are mild or vague, it is probably not serotonin syndrome.

Here is the American Headache Society’s statement on serotonin syndrome.

But What If I Am Being Treated for Depression?

Mood disorders are common in migraine sufferers, and many people do take an SSRI or SNRI antidepressant, either for depression or for pain management.  It is important to stay on your prescribed medicationespecially for antidepressants.  Stopping them abruptly can cause a withdrawal syndrome.  if you have concerns, contact the prescribing physician.  Keep a list of all your medications so that all your doctors and other providers know everything you are taking.  When you are at the most risk for a problem with serotonin syndrome is when you have had a dosage increase, or when another medication that affects the serotonin system has been added.

Serotonin Syndrome Symptoms

To review, early symptoms of serotonin syndrome (and “minor diagnostic criteria”) are agitation, nervousness, insomnia, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, difficulty breathing, nausea, diarrhea, impaired coordination, dilated pupils, and high or low blood pressure.  Remembersome of these are also going to occur during a headache:  for example, pain can increase blood pressure a little.  Some of these are also symptoms of anxiety, which occurs more commonly in headache sufferers than in the general population.

Later and more serious symptoms of serotonin syndrome are fever, sweating, confusion, a change in mood (like elation, semi-coma, or even deterioration to coma), tremors, chills, muscular rigidity, seriously difficulty breathing, brisk reflexes, and myoclonus (a form of muscle hyper-reactivity.)

You should not panic if you just have some nausea or diarrhea.  Although these can be some of the earlier symptoms of a serotonin syndrome, these are also migraine symptoms for a lot of people.  The things that make a serotonin syndrome dangerous are high fever, high blood pressure, coma (obviously), and muscle rigidity that can lead to respiratory difficulty or collapse.  The thing that a neurologist will look for in the diagnosis of a serotonin syndrome in addition to these is a muscular abnormality called clonus  If you feel that you are developing warning signs, take action and call your doctor.

Are There Other Things That Can Mimic Serotonin Syndrome?

Yes, there are.  Anxiety disorders can cause some of the symptoms, as mentioned, as can migraine itself.  But worthy of discussion in this day and age of energy drinks is caffeine toxicity.

Caffeine-Induced Mental Disorder

The following are the criteria used by mental health professionals to diagnose a caffeine-induced mental disorder from the DSM-IV Diagnostic Manual:

Caffeine-Induced Organic Mental Disorder 305.90; Caffeine Intoxication

Diagnostic Criteria:

1. Recent consumption of caffeine, usually in excess of 250 mg.

2. At least five of the following signs:

  •  restlessness
  •  nervousness
  •  excitement
  •  insomnia
  •  flushed face
  •  diuresis
  •  gastrointestinal disturbance
  •  muscle twitching
  •  rambling flow of thought and speech
  •  tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia
  •  periods of inexhaustibility
  •  psychomotor agitation

3. Not due to any physical or other mental disorder, such as an Anxiety Disorder. One No-Doz® tablet contains 200 mg of caffeine. Each Excedrin® tablet you take contains 65 mg of caffeine.

If you drink any coffee at all, and take two Excedrin® a day, you have gotten more than 250 mg of caffeine a day.  Ohand a Starbuck’s Vente™ contains about 500 mg of caffeine.  So while, of course it’s important to avoid serotonin syndrome, it’s also important to figure out what’s going on.

Most important:  stay safe, and don’t panic.


1.  Putnam GP, O’Quinn S, Bolden-Watson CP, Davis RL, Gutterman DL, Fox AW. Migraine polypharmacy and the tolerability of sumatriptan: a large-scale, prospective study. Cephalalgia.  1999;19:668- 675.

2. Stewart Tepper, Christopher Allen, David Sanders, Alison Greene, Stephen Boccuzzi. Coprescription of Triptans With Potentially Interacting Medications: A Cohort Study Involving 240 268 Patients, Headache 2003 43(1):44-48

3. Birmes, P, Coppin, D, Schmitt, L, Lauque, D, Serotonin syndrome:  a brief review, Canadian Medical Association Journal 2003; 168 (11): 1439-1442

4. Dunkley, EJ, Isbister, GK, Sibbritt, D, Dawson, AH, Whyte, IM, The Hunter Serotonin Toxicity Criteria:  simple and accurate diagnostic decision rules for serotonin toxicity, QJM 2003; 96:635-642

By Christina Peterson, MD

Types of headaches described and explained

Different types of headaches

No two people feel or describe pain in exactly the same way.  However, the various types of headaches have symptoms that are fairly consistent.  The descriptions in this category are provided to help you determine what sort of headache you experience.  This is not a substitute for a diagnosis by a doctor, but is meant to provide a general guide.  Read more to see if you have potentially dangerous headaches.

This is also not an exhaustive list of all headache types, but gives an overview of those most commonly encountered.  For those who would like more information about the classification and diagnosis of various headaches, more information can be found in the International Headache Society’s ICDH-3 (International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd Edition). 


updated Feb 9, 2019

Raynaud’s Disease

Raynaud’s Disease and Migraine

Raynaud’s disease affects 4-15% of the general population.  The female to male predominance is 7:1.  As association has been found between Raynaud’s and migraine.  The symptoms are color changes in the fingers and toes in response to cold exposure.  The digits sometimes turn first white, then blue, and finally red as a reactive phase.  Tingling and numbness can also occur  This happens because of vasospasm, and it is important for your doctor to know about this, because it may affect the choice of medication used to treat your migraines.

Beta-blockers, clonidine, and ergots are contra-indicated as they are vasoconstrictors and can make the condition worse.  Smoking also makes it worse.  However, calcium channel blockers can be used to treat Raynaud’s disease, and this is also a migraine preventive agent.  Biofeedback has also been used for Raynaud’s, and is also useful in migraine.

This is a helpful ink about Raynaud’s